PGB Connects- Episode 15

The Importance of Home, School and Community Connection Every week we meet inspiring people. Ordinary people, who aren’t ordinary at all. It is such an honour to be able to listen to experts; people who devote their lives to whatever it is they are passionate about. Tonight was no different. Tonight we had Eric Petersiel […]

Episode 14 Inspiring Creative Change

Welcome to Project Give Back Connects Episode 14 on Inspiring Creative Change. Every person can create change, regardless of age. All of us can make the world brighter for someone else. Our Project Give Back logo is a ‘Boomerang’ with a star in the middle. Why? Because, when we throw kindness out into the world, it comes […]

Nurturing Our Spirits – Episode 12

Each one of us has a gift. Some are so lucky they know it early on. Others it takes some time to find it. But once we find it and nurture it, the results can be life changing. For ourselves and others, we need to create that space for each and every child – to find […]

Episode 6 Recap – The Science of Self-Compassion

It’s so important to build ourselves up, especially during difficult times. And tonight’s episode showed us how to do just that. Our first guest was Dr. Jodi Larry, a Naturopathic Doctor, who is well known for her ‘Cleanse for Life’ program. She spoke about leading a healthy lifestyle and being the best version of ourselves. She taught us that self-compassion is not […]

PGB Connects Episode 5 Recap

Our fifth episode of Project Give Back Connects happened to fall on the eve of the American Thanksgiving. We were shown that there is still so much to be grateful for and appreciate.  This episode was about both appreciation and mindfulness. With 2020 as a prime example, we can’t control what happens around us, but we can take […]

Puppy Love

Like most kids, Connor has a fondness for animals. Four years ago, this fondness lead him and his family to adopt a dog from an animal rescue shelter, named Safehome Animal Rescue. Ever since, Connor and his family have provided a warm and loving environment for their dog Rusty and have given Rusty a new […]

“Super Bowl” Matty

As we often tell our students at the end of the school year, PGB isn’t over, it’s just beginning. The program can continue in your hearts, minds, and actions if you choose to do so. And that is exactly what happened to Matty Abrahams. Last year, when Matty was in grade 5, he chose Camp […]

Did You Ever Know That You’re My Hero?

Who is your Superhero? Imagine if you had super powers to make the world a better place? Or what about powers that would eradicate the need for any money? Now imagine if your powers enabled you to cure all debilitating and life threatening diseases. These powers would surely render you both invincible and remarkable. Would […]