Who is your Superhero?

Imagine if you had super powers to make the world a better place? Or what about powers that would eradicate the need for any money?

Now imagine if your powers enabled you to cure all debilitating and life threatening diseases.

These powers would surely render you both invincible and remarkable. Would they not?
Also, look at the impact you would have on this world.

Recently, our PGB students at Brownridge Public School in York Region, were given the task of creating their own Superhero for their respective charities as a classroom activitiy. It was a creative and empowering way of linking their PGB projects to a school initiative. Thanks to their teacher, Lauren Shapiro, her grade 5/6 students were able to extend their learning to encompass a broader understanding of a true hero. It’s these teaching connections that enhance our program even further across the school curriculum.

Yet ironically, at PGB, we get to see these Superheroes each and everyday within our classrooms. They are lurking there behind their desks, or sometimes hiding behind their best friend. While they may still dress in the form of everyday students, we know that behind those worn out sneakers or that slightly stretched out tee, there hides an everyday hero awaiting their day to shine.

As we embark on the beginning of our presentations, we wish all our budding young Superheroes the best of luck. We know you have it in you and can’t wait to see what good your super powers will achieve. Go forth and bring kindness and compassion to all those around you. Educate us with your knowledge and warm us with your hearts. You have the power to do anything you put your minds to! For you, our PGB students, are the greatest Superheroes of all!