PGB Connects S2 E8 There’s Beauty Everywhere!

This week’s theme is all about seeing beauty all around us, through a unique lens. You will meet epic photographer Neil Dankoff. Dana Geall will share her newest children’s book with all of us, called ‘See Me for Me’. You will also be inspired by this week’s Shining Star, the very talented Tic Toc star […]

S2- Episode 4 When Passion Leads

This Episode is all about Passion – When you find that thing, whatever it is that rocks your world, your world opens up. Everything becomes brighter, happier, more meaningful and you meet people who are so similar to you. Some people are born with knowing what that is. Others take time to find it. But eventually, it […]

Season 2 Episode 3 Generational Values

Have you ever met someone and just liked them right away. Something clicks and you feel their kindness? Then you meet their parents and you go… aha.. now I get it! Then you meet their extended family and you think, how can an entire family be so kind, so approachable and so strong in their […]

PGB Connects S2E2

Living with Intent Intention is a powerful word and ‘Living with Intent’ is our theme for this Episode. Many of our Project Give Back students receive a gift. It is a special bracelet that has one shiny bead. This shiny bead represents Jacob’s Lessons in Life: 1. To be appreciative 2. To be positive. 3. […]

PGB Connects- Season 2 Episode 1

Acceptance and Forgiveness: Changing Perspectives  Mental Health has become so prevalent today. With our world as unpredictable as it is, it’s so great to know that there are truly smart people out there to help us navigate our fears, anxieties and worries. Tonight’s featured guest is a deeply admired and sought after expert in this […]

Project Give Back Connects, Episode 19- Leading by Example

Welcome to our final episode of Project Give Back Connects,  Season 1. This episode was about leading by example and the power of giving. If you have one person who looks up to you, admires you and watches you carefully, as a model for their own actions, then you are a leader. Leading well is […]

PGB Connects Episode 18 – Invisible Differences

Ellen began by sharing that as a Mom to Jacob, she used to watch him in ‘awe’. He felt people and loved them for who they were. He felt their genuine nature, their kindness, their warmth and didn’t care what they looked like or where they were from. He only cared if they were kind and because […]

Episode 17 – Summer Spotlight – Messages from the Campfire

Ellen began the evening by playing a few bars of the song ‘Country Roads’. Then she asked, “What happens when you hear this song? My guess is you have memories of sitting around a camp fire, in the woods, roasting marshmallows, feeling the warmth from the fire and the comfort of being with your closest buddies. As you […]

PGB Connects Episode 16 – The Empathy Effect

Ellen began by sharing her own version of the empathy effect.  As a teacher, she used to bring Jakey into her classes. At first the students were nervous as they had never met anyone like him before. But then, they started asking questions. The more they asked, the more they were able to see Jakey through […]

PGB Connects- Episode 15

The Importance of Home, School and Community Connection Every week we meet inspiring people. Ordinary people, who aren’t ordinary at all. It is such an honour to be able to listen to experts; people who devote their lives to whatever it is they are passionate about. Tonight was no different. Tonight we had Eric Petersiel […]