Season 4 Episode 4 Connecting to Calm

Sometimes life can get so overwhelming and we forget simple accessible tools that are free that we can recall in a flash, just like the way a handy person has a tool belt. This Connects’ Episode will hopefully fill that tool belt with calming techniques. For Ellen, it’s her Jakey bracelet. When she flicks the […]

PGB Connects- Food for Thought – Season 4 Episode 3

Tonight Ellen was joined by special guest host, Riley. Ellen began by setting the tone for the evening and asking Riley about what she had for breakfast. Ellen went on to say how most of us are so lucky to be able to open the refrigerator and grab a bite to eat at our leisure, […]

PGB Connects – Season 4 Episode 2 

Taking to Kids About Grief Ellen began by acknowledging what a very tough time it is for so many.  When Project Give Back Connects came to be four years ago, the Pandemic began and the world seemed unpredictable and unsettled. It was a way to spread resources with experts on resilience, self care and offer […]

Season 3 Episode 8 Leading by Example

This week someone asked Ellen, “do you have a favourite Episode?” It made her think of ‘Winnie the Pooh’. When Winnie asks Piglet, “What day is it? Piglet answers, “It’s today.” Pooh responds, “My favourite day!” Every Episode of PGB Connects is Ellen’s favourite because she has the privilege of showcasing the most phenomenal people.  […]

Season 3 Episode 6 – Unwrapping Kindness

In honour of their son Jacob, Ellen and her family launched a charity called ‘Jacob’s Ladder’. Together with additional family, friends and community they were able to raise millions of dollars towards research, education and therapy into rare neurodegenerative illnesses. Like most charities, they held fundraisers that were based on the power of giving. For […]

PGB Connects Season 3 Episode 5 – Stand Up and Make Positive Change

Project Give Back and Project Give Back Connects are all about embracing kindness and educating our youth about the importance of empathy, compassion, leadership and community mindedness. In a world where so many people hate, we can learn so much more from those who love. It was Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “Hate cannot […]

PGB Connects – Season 3 E2 – Lyrics of Love and Hope

Just this week, Ellen visited a Grade five classroom and spoke about the power of music. She asked, “What does music do to you? Some answers – “It feeds my insides.” “It helps me cry when I need to.” “It makes me wanna dance.” “Music is my world.” Stevie Wonder sang, “Music is a world […]

PGB Connects S2 Episode 11 – This Is Me

There is a famous quote – “Be Yourself, No one else is better qualified.” However, there is so much pressure to be someone else. We see it in fashion, friend groups, trends on Instagram and in person. Being different is difficult. But….when we follow our own unique roadmap, and allow ourselves to be who we […]

PGB Connects S2 E10 Presenting With Confidence

This episode is all about ‘Presenting with Confidence.’ Standing up in front of people is a difficult skill to master, never mind standing out! Our featured guests have some key tips and tricks to help us all improve our presentation skills. Neil Grammer, author of ‘At the Margins’ shares game changing advice. His phenomenal book […]

Season 2 Episode 9 We Rise When We Fall

There is a reason for the expression, ‘No pain, no gain’. Every time we feel pain, we learn. When everything goes smoothy, we learn nothing. It is falling that teaches us about who we are and who we are going to be. Ellen shared a quick story that occurred she was 11 years old. She […]