PGB Connects S2E2


Living with Intent

Intention is a powerful word and ‘Living with Intent’ is our theme for this Episode.

Many of our Project Give Back students receive a gift. It is a special bracelet that has one shiny bead. This shiny bead represents Jacob’s Lessons in Life: 1. To be appreciative 2. To be positive. 3. To be accepting of others 4. To live in the moment. Jacob intentionally lived like that and Ellen has learned that when she intentionally follows these four lessons, it makes her kinder to others. As a result, others are kind in return. This is ‘intent’. It follows the law of attraction….What you put out into the world comes back to you; just like our Boomerang. When you throw out kindness, it comes back. What is your intent?

Our first guest knows much about this topic. Chef Jordan Wagman is a James Beard nominated chef, who has worked with famous chefs worldwide. He is a best selling author, a philanthropist, a Psoriasis warrior and mental health survivor. We were so lucky to have Chef Jordan joining us live from his kitchen, as he was actually preparing for another event; talk about multi-tasking!

Jordan shared his story, which began at age 12, when he was diagnosed with Psoriasis. Jordan spent many years in the hospital as an inpatient. It took much time and understanding, but through it all, Jordan learned to rise to the challenge and view this struggle, more as a gift; enabling himself to become an empathetic person.

Throughout his youth, Jordan came across as confident, yet there was much hurt inside. He felt pressure and had to learn how to deal with the anger that he felt towards his chronic illness. At age 16, he was pulled out of school and attended the Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre, a small school with only 30 students. There, mental health became the number one priority. Of course at the time, Jordan didn’t understand just how much he had learned, until he left.

To this day, Jordan is constantly reminded of the wise words imparted by the school’s director, “You can do anything you want”. Words can change someone’s life, as it did for Jordan. And now, Jordan is ready to change the lives of others.

Jordan has become an educator at the school and has since helped students learn how to cook. He converted his old classroom into a kitchen. He also sits on their Board of Directors. He is, after all, helping kids who are just like him. His intention is to change lives everyday, just like his was changed. “When you have the opportunity to impact others, there’s no other feeling.” And that is what living with intent is truly about.

Last season we featured the young and sensational performer, Jules Halpern. Tonight, she was back in the PGB House. This soulful teenaged singer/songwriter melted hearts, as she continued to lend others her gift. Jules sang an original song that she helped compose called, ‘Sing’. She said it will soon be released.

This week’s Shining Star was 17 year old baker, Sammy Ginsberg of ‘Sam’s Sweet Creations’. Go check out his Instagram page, you will be blown away with what this young man creates in the kitchen! Sam turned his childhood passion into a thriving business, which gives back to his community.

Sam told how he first got into baking, along with his mother, during the holidays, by bringing joy to others through food. As Sam got older, he took on more responsibility. His parents taught him how to manage his money, and to set aside a portion to give back. That notion has always stuck with him. As part of his Bar Mitzvah program, Sam helped to grow the subsidy fund for Camp George. Camp was a huge part of his life and very important to him, so Sam wanted to give back to this cause.

Today, Sam not only donates the proceeds that he has earned from his business, he also donates products. Unused cake tops are turned into cake pops, which Sam takes into youth shelters, to be enjoyed by all. He left us with some empowering advice, “Be mindful why you are donating and how you are giving back.” Wise words from a y wise young man, whose potential is just inspiring.

Lindsay’s challenge for the week was in support of ‘Anduhyaun’, which is the oldest Indigenous Women’s Shelter in Canada, offering a transitional facility for women and children fleeing violence. Lindsay had a simple wish list, asking for non-perishable items to contribute as well as, clothing, bedding, and hygiene products. One2giveto has prepared an Amazon wish list and 35 drop spots around the city to make giving easy.

Living with intent can have a significant impact upon others. Thank you to all our guests for sharing their intentions and how they put this adage into action.