By now you should be familiar with the premise of PGB; students choose a charity to present to their peers. Each week, the lessons that our students provide bring an invaluable awareness and insight into many causes. Many lessons reach far beyond the classroom walls. Here is one such story.

Zola, a Grade 4 student at Summit Heights, loves animals and aptly chose a local charity that reflected her passion. She chose PAWS, an animal shelter that is completely run by volunteers and has a strict no-kill policy. For more than 40 years, PAWS has been providing care for animals in need. It is both small as well as individually operated. PAWS doesn’t have much to offer students in terms of “swag,” but it is big on its values and mission.

After hearing about Zola’s presentation on PAWS and the struggles of its operations, Zola’s grandpa Ted stepped in to help. Having his own printing company, he helped PAWS put together desperately needed materials for the crucial holiday fundraising season. These materials included newsletters that helped to promote the charity, reaching a larger population and spreading PAWS’ no-kill mission. But the goodwill had only just begun. With the help of Zola’s mom, a local newspaper heard about a 2013 spring flood that completely depleted PAWS’ resources, and an article was printed in the paper over the Christmas holidays, resulting in a campaign that has since raised over $50,000 to help PAWS with their operating costs!!!

Link to article in the Star for Paws

It was Zola’s enthusiasm and determination that were the key factors and inspiration behind this amazing achievement. Through the kind act of this one little girl, came the salvation of a small charity and ultimately the lives and welfare of countless animals. It just goes to show the power behind following one’s passion and a simple act of kindness.

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