Happy New Year! 2016 will be a good one for Project Give Back. A new year brings with it the start of our presentations and a fresh crop of new charities. This year we have hundreds of students throughout the GTA presenting hundreds of different charities, bringing enlightenment and awareness to causes and concerns throughout the world. Our students learn through each other invaluable lessons about the world beyond their classroom walls.
Whether it’s the limited rights of girls in third-world countries, or the plight of struggling immigrants to our own country, PGB provides a platform for these inspiring lessons to be taught in a fun and informative manner that students can easily understand. Some causes tackle very serious issues, but through the voice of our own students, they make these issues relatable and non-threatening. The stories that are shared within the classroom help to create global minded citizens who show empathy towards others and compassion for those less fortunate. We are so proud of all our students and this year is no exception. We look forward to sharing more of these stories with you as the year progresses.
Class of 2016, your possibilities are endless! Can’t wait to see what you teach us in the year ahead.

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