Where would we be without our sponsors?

Project Give Back is lucky to have sponsors who truly believe in the power of giving back to their community. They have always been loyal and supportive of our cause. Frankly, without them, we wouldn’t be able to provide the incredible programming that we do.

Each spring Project Give Back hosts an Appreciation Evening for all their generous support. Last year The Leo Baeck Day School South hosted our annual event.

It is an opportunity for our sponsors to see just how their funding is put to use. Students, teachers, administrators and parents alike, share their Project Give Back stories and experiences. It is both heartwarming and inspiring. The venue is adorned with many of the students’ displays which upon entrance, creates a vivid impact that leaves everyone in awe. It is personal touches like this, that make Project Give Back such a unique program that it is, and this aspect is not lost on our sponsors.

But don’t just take our word for it. We are happy to feature commentary from two of our sponsors…….

In a recent conversation with Michael Kalles, of Harvey Kalles Real Estate, Michael had nothing but praise for the program. Michael has been an avid supporter from the very beginning and through the years he has been able to watch the program grow and evolve. One of his biggest pleasures, he said, was having the opportunity to help bring Project Give Back to Havergal school, where his daughter attended. There, he was able to witness first hand the magic that is created in the classroom. He saw the impact that each project had on the students, school and community. When asked how the program has changed over the years he said that he is always amazed at how Ellen and her team managed to “step it up”, reaching more schools and children across the city, year after year. He also added that, “One can live 4,000 lives without having the privilege of meeting someone like Ellen”. It takes a special person, to create a special program like this one. Michael Kalles recognizes and appreciates that fact. Thanks to his support, and that of our other sponsors, Project Give Back can truly be the success that it is.

Josie Stern, of Sutton Group Associates Realty Inc. has been a proud sponsor for the past five years. She, too, has witnessed the power of our program first hand when her daughter Izzy, now in grade 10, participated in the program years back. Since then, Izzy has gone on to take part in numerous charitable endeavors; helping with local programs such as Out of the Cold and foreign programs as well. Last year Izzy travelled to China with Free the Children to help build a school. This spring she will embark on a journey with her school to Jamaica, building and developing relationships with orphanages and enriching the lives of those in need. Through it all, Josie has seen her daughter blossom and mature into an active global minded citizen.
Josie believes that Project Give Back teaches our children, including her own, life tools of empathy and compassion, creating what she calls “good people”. As a result, Josie has helped to bring our program to three schools including Humewood, Regal Road and Cedarvale. Josie is impressed with the direct impact that Project Give Back has had upon these schools and their communities. She has heard directly from principals who have noticed a reduced rate of bullying incidents on the days the program takes place in their schools. It is for reasons like these, that her company embraces and supports the program wholeheartedly.

Be sure to check out a list of all our sponsors and generous supporters, located within our <span style=”color: #0000ff;”><strong><a style=”color: #0000ff;” href=”http://www.projectgiveback.com/sponsors/”>Sponsor </a></strong></span>section of our website.

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