What makes a good teacher?

Is it someone who inspires you to do your best? Sure.

Is it someone who makes you feel safe and comfortable taking risks? You bet.

A good teacher is all of these things and more.

We all have had that one teacher that, when we look back on our school years, we remember fondly, as the one who had a profound impact upon us.

Perhaps it was something they said.

Perhaps it was something they did.

Or maybe it was the way they made you feel.

Either way, their influence impacted who we became and helped form our identity.


Project Give Back has many good teachers, who come from diverse teaching backgrounds. Their years of experience within varied classrooms give them the skills to develop the hearts and minds of our young students. We are so proud to introduce our entire team.

Ellen Schwartz

Roz Fine

Melanie Levcovich

Lindsay Batori

Samara Bleiwas

Shelley Ekstein

Cheryl Daniels

Andrea Glassman

Lesli Goldstein

Amy Greenberg

Melissa Lidsky

Jillian Roth

Michelle Wittlin

And introducing three new leaders to our PGB team:

Zillah Da Costa

Esther Feldman

Jody Kimelman


Welcome to our family.

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