Rachel plans on bringing together her enthusiasm for social justice, with her experience teaching children, to help students broaden their perspective on the world around them and foster an interest in helping better that world. As a former kindergarten teacher for the YCDSB, Rachel brought a forward thinking view of education to understand the whole child and how each individual student learns best. Through the development with her husband of an orphan sponsorship program between her Toronto church and a village in Kenya, Rachel was able to help improve the lives of hundreds of children over the course of a decade; improving their education, health and social well being. She hopes to show the students how they too can make an impact on the causes they are passionate about. More recently, she has been kept busy with volunteering at her three sons’ school as a grade rep and a parent volunteer for many fundraisers; helping support causes on a local level. Rachel has a Bachelor of Education from York University and a Bachelor of Arts with a combined major in Child Studies and Psychology from Brock University.