
Passion can be anything, and let it inspire you to aspire to
wherever life may take you. Sam Kaplun

Look where passion has led Sam Kaplan.

Sam is a grade 8 student at WillowWood School. If you haven’t heard of him yet, you soon will. He is a remarkable young man.

Lately, Sam has been receiving a lot of press, CTV news broadcast a story last week and this will not be the last you will be hearing from him. Sam will be featured in City Post Magazine as a “local hero” in the April issue and he was also interviewed by 680 news.

Sam recently had a book of his poems published. The book is called, Insights From My Heart to the World. It is a collection of poems that Sam has written from age 8-12. All proceeds of the book are going directly to the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada. Check it out, it truly is a great read. Sam can now add accomplished author to his list of many accomplishments. He has achieved more in his first thirteen years of life than many have in a lifetime.

You see, when Sam was in grade 5 he participated in Project Give Back. The program gave him a safe and nurturing forum to reveal his own diagnosis of Tourette syndrome. His used this platform to teach his peers about this disorder.

Sam is such an inspiring young man, who is both determined and mature beyond his years. He exemplifies everything that PGB sets out to teach its students. Sam followed his passion and it has taken him upon this incredible journey. We can’t wait to see where this journey leads him in the future!

The link to his website is: