Episode 2 – The Power of Being Resilient

Episode 2 – The Power of Being Resilient


PGB Connects Episode 2 Recap – The Power of Being Resilient

Our second show in and it already feels so comforting, having viewers tune in.  The 7:30 time slot feels just right: sitting down with a cup of tea, following a good meal, with an entertaining dose of bi-weekly inspiration.  We cannot think of a better way to spend the night.

The theme of this week’s episode was the ‘Power of being Resilient’.  Ellen introduced the theme with a fitting analogy; think of resilience like riding on a teeter totter; you need to experience both the highs and the lows to enjoy the ride – otherwise you wouldn’t feel much.

Tyler Simmons was our talented musical guest and he set the tone off by performing the song, “Keep Your Head Up”, by Andy Grammar.  Tyler also recalled his own experience with resilience, when he first began performing, learning how to overcome his own fears, and realizing that you can always push through anything.

We then were treated to relatable and resourceful life lessons by our guest speaker, Sharon Neiss Arbess.  Sharon is the author of the book, “Me and My So-Called Friends” and she has also developed an instructional program called, ‘Brave the Waves’.  The program was designed to help build resiliency.  She shared insightful advice on using our own “Toolbox” to help make us feel better and pointed a way to understand how differently pain is felt in all of us.  Look for her book on her Instagram page bravethewaves_

Sam Kaplun is a former Project Give Back student and Shining Star who has continued to shine throughout his adolescence. Sam shared how he overcame his own challenges throughout his childhood once he was diagnosed with having Tourette’s Syndrome and ADHD.  His resiliency allowed him to help others in various forms of giving back to his community through donating proceeds from his poetry books to charity, assisting at fundraising events and working with food banks.

To finish off the episode we heard from Lindsay Detsky, our Kindness coordinator.  Lindsay proposed a timely challenge: to give thanks to a local hero.  That someone could be a local crossing guard, neighbour or anyone that could use a pick-me-up.   This unexpected gesture will surely go a long way to making someone smile and like Lindsay said, “Kindness is contagious”.

That’s it for this week’s episode; comfort and inspiration in thirty minutes and more enjoyable than any teeter totter.  See you in two weeks!