Episode 7 Recap – Finding Bliss

Episode 7 Recap – Finding Bliss


Our last show of 2020, left us with a positive and uplifting form of inspiration to cap off a year that certainly saw its challenges. As always, it was a night filled with beautiful insight, knowledge and wisdom.

To begin, we were treated to the expert advice of Judy Librach, who is the host of a weekly radio program and podcast on Zoomer Radio called, “Finding Your Bliss”. Judy shared with us her journey in finding her own bliss. She spoke about growing up in a divorced family, and how everything changed for her when she saw the play, ‘Cinderella’. For Judy, this was a sacred experience, and as she recalled, the first time she experienced true ‘bliss’. As a result, she joined a theatre company and it changed her life. Judy started to do what she loved, by pursuing the theatre life.

“How do you like to spend your time? What do you love to do?” Whatever it is, Judy encourages us to just do it! She suggested we listen to what other people compliment and praise us for. For her, it was a note from her father that said, “I hope you always find happiness in bringing happiness to others.” And this encouragement is what led Judy to initially became a ‘Life Coach’. But Judy also stated that you can have many blisses, which she discovered once she became a mom. When her kids left for university, she filled that void by reinventing herself once again, with what she called, ‘Bliss Minutes’; short, inspirational messages that she recorded, and which ultimately led to her current career.

Judy has used her gifts to serve others and stated that when everybody gets to do what they love, that will ultimately help others. Things like the ‘Pearl Necklace’ exercise: Pearls of Wisdom, that when strung together, help you to find your happiness. Shining light on others, is what truly makes Judy happy and she does it so well. She ended with a fitting quote from Oprah Winfrey. “Know what sparks a light in you and use that light to illuminate the world.”

Talent runs deep in the Librach household, as Lily Librach, Judy’s daughter performed. Lily is a singer, dancer, and actress who profoundly said, “When you sing, you pray twice”. Singing for others has always brought Lily happiness, and she shared that joy with us by performing a beautiful mash-up of the songs, ‘Disneyland/Somewhere Over the Rainbow’.

Lilly Strebinger was our shining star. Although legally blind, Lilly is a force to be reckoned with and will not let any set back stand in her way! Lilly reads in Braille and says she just figures out how to do things, including her own makeup! It may take her longer, but with the help of technology and her own determination and perseverance, Lilly deals with theses challenges. Since age 7, Lilly has been beading bracelets and selling them to raise proceeds for ‘Camp Oochigeas’. In that time, she has raised over $6000, just by doing what she loves to do. Lily says she found her own bliss by taking part in Project Give Back and pursuing her own interests. She truly is an inspiration for us all!

Lindsay @one2giveto concluded the evening by sharing her own bliss.
Since Project Give Back Connects started, Lindsay has been collecting items for a local food bank at Bathurst and St Clair. Through this initiative, Lindsay has seen how community members have stepped up to fill the need. To see the rewards of what they have gathered, has brought her such joy. Lindsay’s Kindness challenge for us this week is to note; What has made you smile this year? What is one thing that you are thankful for?

We are thankful for all our incredible guests. We have been rewarded with people who have truly made a difference by finding their ‘Bliss’ and sharing it with others. Here’s to finding what makes you happy and spreading that ‘Bliss’ in 2021!