Episode 8- Let’s Get Moving!

Episode 8- Let’s Get Moving!


Tonight’s episode was all about nourishing our body with the right kind of fuel and living a lifestyle that can be sustainable. If there is one thing that 2020 has taught us, it is without health, there can’t be much else. We need to take care of our bodies, our minds and our hearts.

Noah Schwartz was with us to discuss how to build a sustainable lifestyle and to share his own story.  Noah is the founder and visionary behind ‘nfitness’, and he has made it his mission to inspire others to become their best selves. He is also a certified personal trainer, metabolic training coach and nutrition coach. 

As a former competitive athlete, Noah knows the value of a well balanced lifestyle.  The key advice that he often shares with his clients is to strive for consistency. Noah says, “You don’t need to be perfect; just focus on consistency and be accountable. One way to sustain realistic goals is to make exercising more fun and attainable.  You don’t need hour long sessions, when 30 minute workouts may be more realistic to achieve.”  Noah says to apply this logic to whatever one tries to tackle; whether it be a job, hobby or fitness routine.  Don’t try to be 100% each day, rather take small steps that will eventually lead to those bigger steps. Good advice for all of us to heed at anytime, especially at the start of a new year when we resolve to make positive changes in our lives. 

The talented Zachary Levy performed the song, ‘Waiting On the World to Change’.  Thanks to Zach for sharing his talents with us and fueling our souls. He provided a great segway while introducing our next guests when he said, “they didn’t wait for the world to change, they did it themselves.”

Those bigger steps that Noah mentioned were certainly achieved by our shining stars: Russell, Ryder, Caleb, Rowen, Sam W, and Sam P; also known as the ‘Run to Raise Crew’. These six teenagers decided to make a huge difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Russell began by sharing their story. When Covid hit, it took away their CIT summer at camp. They tried to make the best of it by turning a bad situation and making it better. Inspired by Terry Fox’s story, they wanted to emulate his mission.  So, they embarked on their own ‘Marathon’, running to their summer camp (Camp White Pine) and ran over 250 Km in 5 days!  In doing so, they raised over $40k for the Terry Fox Foundation.  

Each team member then shared the impact the experience had on each of them. Through their journey, Caleb learned that when you want to make something happen, you really  can! Sam Pencer said that a positive mind set can make a big difference in everything you do, as it helped him endure challenges of the run. Ryder learned that it’s the people around you who can push you beyond your limits. Rowen, who wasn’t a runner before, didn’t know what to expect, but used consistency to prepare for the run and found that it paid off.  Sam Wilder wanted to inspire others to do something small in honour of Terry Fox and to take pride in being  Canadian.  This crew left us all in ‘awe’ of their inspiring story and showed us that heroes are made when they rise above challenging circumstances.

As always, the episode ended with a check in with Lindsay @one2giveto and Kindness Corner. Lindsay wisely reminded us all to take a moment to recharge and take care of ourselves, so we can take care of others and continue to help the community. 

A healthy mindset, makes for healthy bodies and soul.  Here’s to a Happy and Healthy New Year to all!