Dance for a Chance


Resiliency is a word we are hearing a lot these days and no one seems more resilient than these children. A group of local 10 and 12 year old girls who love to dance, decided to turn their passion for dancing into something to help Covid-19 relief. These girls, who dance weekly at Rhythm Dance Studio were also looking to bring a little joy and happiness to others during these difficult times. So, The RDS Junior team decided to organize a dance marathon in order to raise funds for local hospitals and health care workers. The girls even designed their own website, zoom link and logo to create this event.

The event is called, Dance for a Chance and it is a virtual dance-a-thon event that is being held in support of the University Health Network. The marathon will last up to five hours with instructors teaching fun dance routines. Participants can join in as long as they like, or opt out when they need a break, but these incredible young dancers will be taking part throughout. Through sponsorship, the girls have almost reached their goal of $15000!! Now they aim to raise their goal even higher. The event will take place on May 24. Go to their Instagram page, RDS Juniors to get involved and make sure to put on your dancing shoes and support this incredible cause!